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Sacred Infusions Apothecary

Blue Vervain Tincture (Traditional)

Blue Vervain Tincture (Traditional)

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  • immune support
  • respiratory support
  • nutritious
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Blue Vervain Glycerite

Our herbalist formulated our blue vervain glycerite tincture to soothe irritated nerves, calm racing thoughts, and promote blissful relaxation.

  • Ingredients

    Blue vervain (Verbena hastata), coconut glycerin, purified spring water (1:6 & 75/25%)

  • Suggested Dosage

    (12 & UP) ADULTS PROACTIVE STRESS SUPPORT: 10 drops 1-2x daily

    (12 & UP) ADULTS REACTIVE STRESS SUPPORT: 20 drops 4x daily

    The Herbalist's Recommendation: 5 drops morning, noon, and night for 2 days to see how the body responds.

  • Contraindications

    Large doses may cause nausea and vomitting. Large doses may stimulate uterine contractions, and is not for use in pregnancy. May interfere with blood pressure medication.

Blue Vervian

Verbena hastata

Blue vervain is indicated for those who have "type-a personalities", or the "over exhasuted stay at home mothers", especially those dealing with digestive discomfort from emotions or mental-state.

The "SAD Diet" or standard American diet does not recieve enough bitter type foods, and this may contribute to not only gut health, but the general overall wellbeing of those not consuming bitters regularly.

Like many herbs, blue vervain is multi-faucted. It has many different uses in modern herbalism. Considered a bitter, blue vervain increases saliva while promotes stomach acid, and bile production; which leads to healthy and regular digestion.

Blue vervain also works to soothe irritated nerves, relax tense muscles, and promote relaxation and a deep restful nights slumber.