Meet The Herbalist

Our Herbalist
Lauren has spent over 17 years working in the garden and has over 2,000 hours of herbal education.
Her studies range from introductory herbal courses to clinical education and applications with clients. Lauren enjoys studying phytotherapy and pharmacology to better apply herbs in clinical settings; making her well rounded in folkloric and clinical herbalism.
Lauren is passionate about bridging the gap between ancient traditions and newly emerging scientific research.
Lauren is passionate about Biodynamic Agriculture. Incorporating biodynamic methods such as, organic composting which adds life back into the soil, protecting and growing endangered species such as goldenseal, but most importantly viewing the land, plants, animals, and self; as one.
Planting crops and certain species of plants under specific astrological transits has reduced the risk of pesky insects that destroy crops, has significantly improved yields, and validates the interconnectedness of it all.
She believes it is an honor to teach the community and her clients how to apply herbs in a proactive way, to enhance the quality, and vitality of their lives.

the begining
ivory summer
My journey with plants began long before I knew the scientific names, or the affinities the constituents have on specific organs.
It began in 2007 as a garden hand, tending to plants. From watering, planting, transplanting, cloning, to harvesting, and processing.
In 2010, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Shortly after a check-up, she began having uncontrolable hives, swelling, and eczema. This stumped the medical professionals at the time. According to their professional opinion, "allergic reactions and anaphylactic symptoms don’t occur in children under one year of age".

the magic of
At four months old Ivory developed food allergies. Ivory was exclusively breastfed, and no matter how many adjustments I made to my diet; Ivory would continue to have allergic reactions. Her skin, so red, inflamed and swollen from the symptoms she was experiencing.
The prescription steroid creams and OTC topical ointments didn’t alleviate any of her suffering. I was left frustrated and confused.
I let this frustration and confusion fuel a deep passionate, desire, for healing. I returned to the garden, where it all began; for guidance.
I began making our own personal health products with the herbs I grew in our own garden. I started sourcing local ingredients such as, beeswax.

in the garden
These products began showing tangible results for Ivory. Not long after that; did I have other parents, friends and family members approaching me for guidance and support. This birthed Sacred Infusions Apothecary.
Fifteen years later, words cannot express the gratitude I experience. I am honored to be respected, and trusted by my community as their herbalist.
More about the herbalist
Lauren has a passion for reading, the older herbal, botany, and medical text books from the 18th and 19th centuries, but her favorite fiction book is Jane Eyre.
Sound Frequency
Lauren appreciates all sound frequencies, but there is something transcending about the piano and violin.
When you can't find her in the garden, you will find her sitting on the shore of the river, under the beech tree, on her family's property; listening to music. -
With Family
Lauren has been blessed with a beautiful family. When they are not tending the land, and giving back to the community, you can find them chasing the sun. From sunrises, to sunsets, watching the sun walk on water never gets old.
Some of Lauren's favorite things
Rosemary Gladstar - The Science and Art of Herbalism
Rosemary Gladstar - Plant Walk
Herbal Academy - Introductory Herbal Course
Herbal Academy - Intermediate Herbal Course
Herbal Academy – Advanced Herbal Course
Herbal Academy – Aphrodisiac Herb Intensive
Aromahead Institute - Essential Oil Training
Aromahead Institute - Essential Oils for Cold and Flu
Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine – Certified in Reading Functional Blood Work
Heck – Herbs for Cold and Flu Heck – Herbs for Children
Heck – Intro into Herbalism
Heck – Professional Herbalism
The study of Pharmacology - basic and clinical
David Hoffman - Medical Herbalism
Bone & Mills - Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy
Bones & Mills - The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety
Kat Maier – (Perfect Storm) The Tissue State or Treating the Terrain that lead to Infections
jim mcdonald - Plant Walk Toledo, Ohio
jim mcdonnald - Mid Summer Medicine Plant Walk
David Winston's Presentation on Analgesia, Effective Pain Management with Botanicals