Herbal Nervines; What are they?

Herbal Nervines; What are they?


 What is an Herbal Nervine?

A nervine is an herb that has a beneficial modulating effect upon our central nervous system in some way.  This groups the word nervine into one category, but to use them properly they must be differentiated into three major categories: nervine relaxants, nervine stimulants, and nervine tonics. Just as each plant is unique and different, so is each human, physically and energetically. Knowing the energetics of a plant, (and the person) is important when recommending any type of herb, or herbal supplement.

With the hustle and bustle of modern day society, these statistics are of no surprise.

According to American Institue of Stress Statistics

• 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health.
• 73 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health.
• 48 percent of people have trouble sleeping because of stress.


Nervine Troporestoratives

Nervine Tonics (or trophorestoratives) are perhaps the most important contribution herbal medicine can make in the vast area of stress & anxiety, and in strengthening & “feeding” the nervous system. In cases of nervous, high strung "type A people" the nervine tonics strengthen and restore the tissues directly. Note; most nerve troporestoratives are also considered adaptogens. Adaptogens should also be considered in this group due to their ability to aid the the mind, allowing our physical body to cope with demands made upon it.

Three herbal troporestorative examples include: Blue Vervain, Oats, and St. John's Wort.


Nervine Relaxants

Nervine Relaxants have become increasingly important in our modern times of stress and anxiety. They are the closest natural alternatives for the orthodox nerve tranquilizers (that deaden the neurotransmitters, blocking pain receptors. Thus, never correcting the root problem.) Nervine relaxants should always be used in a broad holistic way.

Working with an herbalist to determine your dosage is important. Too much tranquilizing, even that achieved through herbal supplements, can in time deplete our tolerance levels and weigh heavily on the whole nervous system, thus creating some type of dependency; and never addressing, or correcting the root of the problem. 

Three herbal nervine relaxants examples include: Chamomile, Kava Root and Passionflower

When considering herbal nervines for regular consumption, it it best to consult an herbalist who can help you determine if there will be any contraindications. If you take any medications, even over the counter medications, please consult an herbalist first before taking herbal nervines. 


Nervine Stimulants

Nervine Stimulants cause a direct stimulation of the nervous system, thus not often needed in our modern day time of hyperactivity. In most cases it is more appropriate to stimulate the body’s innate vitality with the help of adaptogens, and digestive tonics. A problem with commonly used stimulants (such as coffee) is that coffee has a number of side effects and can be involved in causing many problems such as anxiety, tension and caffeine dependence. Not to mention coffee beans are one of the highest sprayed crops for glyphosate.

Some herbal examples include: Green and Black Tea, Coffee, and Kola.

Note: Nervine stimulants should not be confused with Cerebral Circulatory Stimulants (eg. Ginkgo biloba or Rosmarinus off.), which can improve blood flow to the cerebrum and therefore aids in cognitive processes such as memory and concentration.





Medical Herbalism (David Hoffman)
The Essential Guide to Herbal Safey (Mills and Bone)
The Home Physician Dr. Christian Fanger (1911 edition)
Clinical Herbalist Training (Herbal Academy)
Science and Art of Herbalism (Rosemary Gladstar)

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