What are biophotons?
The smallest physical units of light, which are stored in and used by all biological organisms, including your body. Vital sun energy finds its way into your cells via the food you eat, in the form of these biophotons.
They contain important bio-information, which controls complex vital processes in your body. The biophotons have the power to order and regulate and thus elevating the organism. Including your physical body.
Just as you do, plants absorb sunlight and turn it into energy through a process called photosynthesis. Biophotons are a way to measure how much sunlight is stored in a product of nature, indicating it's ability to provide us with the sun's energetic power.
The orgin of biophotons?
- Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch discovered in 1923 that living things emit photons within ultra-violet part of the spectrum.
- Gurwitsch called this invisible radiation from living cells "mitogenetic radiation".
- In the 1970s Fritz-Albert Popp and his research group at the University of Marburg showed that the spectral distribution of the emission fell over a wide range of wavelengths, from 200 to 750 nm. Popp's work on the biophoton emission's statistical properties, namely the claims on its coherence, was criticised for lack of scientific rigour.
- He concluded that the DNA is the main source of those waves, which he called biophotons.
- He also created a device that was able to measure these low-frequency light waves.
- Based on biophotonic measurement researches, Popp discovered that healthy individuals have significantly higher amounts of biophotonic radiation, when compared to sick individuals.
- We now know that such waves exist in the RNA and in other forms of macromolecules, including chlorophyll, enzymes and hemoglobin.
- By estimating biophotons in various food items, Popp discovered that organically produced food has five times higher emissions of biophotonic energy than industrial food.
- Furthermore, organic food that grows in the wilderness (or your backyard) has two times higher emissions of biophotons than food from cultivated organic production.
Why are biophotons important?
Today the nutritional value of food is measured by the amount of calories delivered by macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat) and what micronutrients supply (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes).
Unfortunately, very little is said about the amount of light that food is capable of storing in the form of electromagnetic frequency. It has been shown that plants store light in their DNA in the form of biophotons, the smallest physical units of light.
Do Biophotons impact our DNA?
According to a published article by Dr. Mercola, yes they do.
At least two functions are currently assigned to the DNA: the coding of genetic information, which is passed onto the next generation in the germ cell, and the storing of information to build all cell components. The coherent light from the DNA controls all important biochemical and changing processes. These processes are the result of information carried by photons. DNA and RNA produce optical holograms and are in resonance with all background fields.
The links are attached to the sugars and are basic. However, there are only four bases in the DNA: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Only recently have researchers realized that cells do not simply absorb light but emit it coherently; the DNA and RNA molecules are a laser-active medium and can produce an optical hologram that communicates with the resonance of the background fields of our Earth and the planets as well as galaxies.
Dr Mercola went on to say:
This, in turn, maintains the metabolism as well as all other life processes. The building and depletion of cells, the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids as well as the flow of neurotransmitters and the entire cell metabolism all work on an extremely rapid transfer of information that can only be achieved by light transmission. Lack of energy and blockages are signs of disturbance in the flow or process of life. This disturbance can occur on all levels, whether atomic particle or cell, organ or psyche. Hence, any disease can be interpreted as a manifestation of a loss of information and communication with the body!
What does this mean?
In layman's terms, not only do we photosynthesize sunlight and transform it into vitamin D.
We also absorb biophotons from the foods we eat such as; fresh fruits and vegtetables, which we than omit from our body's surface!! That glow though!
It comes from within.
It will not be found in expensive trips to the esthetician, it wont be found in the dermatologist office, and it most certainly will not be found in trendy skincare routines.
Do any herbs or pharmacotherapies interfere with the absorption of biophotons?
An herb well-known for its use in stress reduction (including inducing measurable declines in cortisol), and associated heightened oxidative stress, has been tested clinically in reducing the level of biophotons emitted in human subjects. Known as rhodiola, a study published in 2009 in the journal Phytotherapeutic Research found that those who took the herb for 1 week has a significant decrease in photon emission in comparison with the placebo group.
How do we get biophotons?
This is WHY the quality of food is important. The modernization and the industrial revolution has denatured our food by many different means whether that be, the way it was raised, harvested, or processed.
The highest concentrations of biophotons are found in foods that are alive and vibrant in color.

An introduction to human biophoton emission - PubMed (nih.gov)
Speculations about Bystander and Biophotons - PMC (nih.gov)
Bonghan Circulatory System as an Extension of Acupuncture Meridians - ScienceDirect
Biophotons as Subtle Energy Carriers - PMC (nih.gov)
International Journal of Yoga (IJoY): Editorial Board
Microsoft Word - Your Body Literally Glows With Light.doc (hoffmancentre.com)
Microsoft Word - McDonald's & Biophoton Deficiency.doc (hoffmancentre.com)